Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Cleopatra Soap

This beautiful golden colored honeycomb soap is named Cleopatra. As we all have read Cleopatra liked taking milk baths. I believe she liked to add honey to it also. So in this creation I have used goat's milk, honey and scented it using Oatmeal, Milk and Honey fragrance oil. There is no colorant.


  1. Hi Daisy Mae, this soap looks very nice.. the oatmeal, milk and honey is lovely, I know.. for sure... but unfortanetely it discolours the soap. Macsoapy and Gracefruit have a non discoularing Scottisch honey blossom which is steady and turns into ligt brownish colour. Please visit my website http://www.zeepmakerij.com and see under honey.

  2. Thanks. Okay I'll visit the site but I like the way the Oatmeal, Milk & Honey discolors the soap and it's a best seller at my Farmers Market. Maybe the Scottish Honey Blossom can be useful with another soap. Is the fragrance lasting?


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